Hi there you lovely lot.. 
I just wanted to introduce myself,
My names Jue, and I’m a cat loving shopaholic!
I’m an older blogger from a small town in the heart of the UK and love Makeup, Skincare, Clothes and just shopping in general.
I wanted to start a blog talking about the things I love. ( which is mostly beauty products if I’m honest and a good old fashioned Primark shop!)

I don’t upload on any set days, but I do try to upload at least once a week or more if I’ve got lots to tell you about.
I work part time on my blog and do it completely for the love and anything else is just a bonus. 

I also work part time in a local store in town as I have a shopping obsession to fund and of course bills to pay. 
I love Shopping (for anything!) and am often found in garden centres, drinking large cups of Tea. 
I also love Cats! ( I have 3) Big Cats, Small Cats, anything that meows!!! Not that you need to know that but wanted to pop that into the mix! 


All the views on this blog are my own and I will try to make the reviews as honest as I can but different people like different things and skin types can be different so please bear this in mind before trying anything new for the first time.
I will only recommend things that I truly believe in and will never recommend something I don't like for financial gain.

If there are any Sponsored items or items sent free of charge this will be stated clearly at the end of my posts. but most of the items are bought by me at my own expense (mostly bought with money I've made from selling on eBay) So I can give a you my true honest opinion and not a paid opinion.

All the photos on this blog are my own, so please do not use them (to be honest why would you as they are abit rubbish? ,but people have!!!!)please message me first at juelook@yahoo.com

Thank you as ever for your ongoing support, it means such a lot 

Please feel free to leave a nice comment at the end of my posts. I always love to read them. 
