Here on Juelook I use Google Adsense which do use cookies to base the ads that you see on the websites you have previously visited. You can opt out of this by visiting Google Adsense setting.
I am so grateful for every comment I receive and love it when people leave links to their own blog. Sometimes links are left in the comment section unknown to me to third party websites. Any links for other selling platforms that are not featured in the post are not endorsed by myself unless stated and I do try and remove them.
I would never pass on any information, such as email addresses given, to any third parties. 
From time to time I do leave links in my posts that lead to other pages. Once you leave my site I do not have control on that content and I cannot be held responsible for protection or privacy of any data you share on those sites.
Google Policies 

thank you to everyone for your ongoing support as it means a lot.
