September 20, 2017
By Jue Douglas
Hello again and thank you for stopping by. It breaks my little heart to say summer seems to be over in the UK,( insert a little crying face here!) so I thought it might be nice to do a little blog post on what I think and HOPE will be popular in Autumn 2017. Because of the weathers going to be miserable at least we can do a spot of shopping to cheer us up!
I really love my Demin jacket and it's become my uniform over the last few months but this season smarter jackets are definitely popular.
Smart checked jackets in particular, are everywhere at the moment. Not wanting to break the bank I found this one for £17 from Primark. I love the sleeves on this as they are 3/4 length and it adds detail and a modern edge to the look.
Now I have to admit I do love this jacket don't get me wrong, but it's a little bit too smart for me and I felt uncomfortable when I tried it on at home and would probably be the same if I was wearing it out somewhere ( I so need to smarten up) so I did end up taking it back to Primark but that's not to say others will love it so I wanted to include it.
Now we all love a cosy jumper as the days are getting colder and this one is perfect for those kind of days. My favourite jumper colour ( is that a thing?) is normally Burgundy and I normally live in that shade most of the Winter if I'm honest. But this year I've seen a lot of Mustard in the shops and I really had my heart set of finding the perfect one at the right price. So when I found this one from New Look for £9.99 I had to buy it.
If you're like me and love a bit of costume jewellery you have come to the right place. I have found the perfect pair of earrings for 99p. I love the tassel earrings that are in fashion at the moment and even though they are abit big it still won't stop me. The ones I've found are from an EBay shop ( not secondhand) and they do come in different styles and colours.
I have seen more expensive ones in H&M but I didn't want to spend £8 Plus on one pair so I shopped around online. There are lots to choose from and they all seem to be priced at 99p.
All through the summer I have been loving Embroidered bags infact I have been loving literally anything with Embroidery on it from tops to bags. So why should this Autumn be any different. I already have two Embroidered bags which I can't find online for sale anymore so I have found this little beauty from Matalan. Matalan have it so going on with bags over the last year or so and even though they aren't as cheap as Primark you can definitely pick up a nice one for under £20. This Matalan bag is £16 and is the perfect size for everyday use and even though I already have a bag I love I'm very tempted with this one to add to my bag collection.
No Autumn love is complete without a Check scarf and I for one am abit obsessed. (I have about 10) The one I am currently wearing is from Primark for £4. They still have them in store now and it’s slowly becoming my new Autumn uniform with my Demin jacket.
The picture doesn’t do this lovely item justice, so if your passing Primark take a look.
Autumn makeup is probably my favourite part of this time of year.( I'm not keen on much else as I'm a summer girl) Lipsticks can get darker and Foundation can be lighter.
There are some fantastic colours available the moment. I love the dark toned lip products that are available at the moment. My favourite is Primark PS Matte Casmere Kiss £1.50. It's very long lasting and is definitely a colour for the season.
I love darker coloured nails at this time of year. My favourite being Barry M Gelly Black Pistachio £3.99. This shade is a very dark green and I do love a Barry M nail product as I find they last the longest on my nails so definitely worth spending a little more on nail varnish. I have used certain nail varnish brands before 3 times the price of the Barry M ones and I find BM is definitely the best.
I do love lighter shades of foundation. Even though I love a suntan, I don't like tanning on my face as it brings out all my age spots and hyper skin pigmentation. This time of year is great for my skin as my pigmentation has faded and I can go back to my original lighter foundations. I am completely loving the Maybelline Fit me and L'Oréal infallible 24 hour Matte foundations at the moment and tend to swap between the two. Definitely worth a try if your looking for a good drugstore foundation.
Have I missed anything out?
Let me know in the comments if my little Autumn must haves is missing anything that you think I would totally love or if you have bought anything that I love and what you think.