August 02, 2018
By Jue Douglas
Can you believe another month is over already. I just want to say before I begin that I’m sorry this post is late. I usually like doing favourites posts at the end of each month but what with life getting in the way I’m a few days late. ( what’s a few days between friends!!) and I know you won’t mind.
What a great month July has been. I mean really great! I love a good heat wave and here in the UK we have definitely been having our fair share of beautiful sunny warm weather. This means happy days for me. I know some people don’t like the heat ( my cat Boris hates it) but it’s definitely a winner for me.
When the weathers warm I see the good in everything. It generally puts me in a good mood and this month has seen my Favourites post being over run with products. I have managed to shorten it down abit but really i could have talked for ages.
Firstly I want to talk about my new favourite makeup product ( perhaps ever!!) that has graced my makeup bag. It’s so good it’s needs its own blog post really. It’s the B COSMETICS PRIMING SOUFFLÉ. This product is amazing and literally covers everything. If you’re anything like me and you’re probably not but if you are and have a lot to cover like wrinkles, pores etc you are going to love this. This stuff is a godsend and even though I got it on an offer I would pay full price to buy it again. I can’t give it enough praise. I can’t believe this time last year I wasn’t really into primers as much as I am now what with that and setting spray I’m totally converted to both.
I seem to always be talking a BARRY M GELLY NAIL POLISH and that’s because it’s so good. My favourite colour this month is PASSION FRUIT. I think it was FLIP FLOP last month. These polishes give off the best shine and last a long time. They are such value for money and you really can’t go wrong. I can’t wait to see what colour I will be loving next month!
My new favourite Mascara is the MAX FACTOR MASTERPIECE TRANSFORM mascara. I know Max Factor mascaras can be pricey but you will never guess how much this one cost me. It was £3.99!! from B & M. It makes you lashes look amazing. It not only separates with no clumps but makes lashes look longer as well. The downside is the brush. It’s a little bit too thin. I usually prefer thicker ones and you really need to work with this one. But at this price I will definitely be popping in again and stocking up on another one.
The latest highlighter I have purchased is the REVOLUTION STROBE HIGHLIGHTER £3. Regular readers will know how I love natural coloured highlighters and this one is perfect for summer. The colour payoff is amazing and the price makes it such good value. The bad point to this is i dropped it shortly after taking the picture and it has smashed. I’m still using it up but it must be quite fragile as I’m not really careful with my things and it normally wouldn’t have broken.
This works like a brow mascara but does fill in all the missing gaps. It works so well for brows that let’s say are barely there. Definitely worth a try.
A new setting powder I’ve been trying is the MUA TRANSPARENT SETTING POWDER £4. This is from the MUA professional collection which is abit more expensive than the normal MUA range. I have to say I’m really impressed. The compact is lovely and lightweight and looks a lot more expensive than £4. It’s perfect to have in your handbag and the powder feels amazing for touch ups during the day. I really wish I had tried it sooner as it’s been out for a while.
The only downside to this is it needs to come with a little puff to make applying easier but it’s only a minor flaw and you can pick them up really cheaply separately.
Now you all know I love a good Body Mist and the HAWAIIAN TROPICS £10 ones are amazing. They are £10 each which I know what you’re thinking, is pretty expensive for a body mist. But when you take into account they are on buy one get one half price at the moment in Superdrug which makes them £7.50 a bottle,it softens the blow a little. They are long lasting as well and I know they last on my skin longer than some expensive perfumes so I’m definitely hooked. My favourite one is Golden Paradise. That to me is holiday in a bottle and as it’s holiday season it makes them perfect for this time of year! ( I would so wear them in Winter as well but that’s just me).
Talking of Body Mists Zoella hasn’t let us down with her new range. I am slightly obsessed with the
BOTANIC’EAU range and the fragrance mist is one of my new favourites. These cost £8, which I know is quite expensive and yes the packaging is abit much for a fragrance mist ( it’s glass) but I love it and it looks great on my dressing table.
Television wise it has to be LOVE ISLAND and I’m gutted it’s now over. I’m so glad Jack and Dani won and now I’m on countdown for next years series.
I have decided not to include products that I haven’t enjoyed this month as I think it puts a bit of a downer on the whole post but I can do if you would like a separate post on disappointing products just let me know.
If any of my favourites are your favourites also I would love to know!
Until next time
Love and Sunshine
Jue X