February 18, 2019

By Jue Douglas 

Well it seems like ages ago since I last did one of these. I remember when I used to a Primark haul post on here every two of three weeks or so back in the day.
 Lately every time I seem to pop into Primark I only come out with one bag of shopping which isn’t really enough for a decent post. Rather than do a short post I thought I would let my buys build up and then do a longer post. Saying that, this one isn’t really that big but it’s over three shops so I didnt want to leave the post any longer otherwise it would be the Summertime and nothing would still be available. Everything was still available yesterday when I checked.

So like I said this shop is across three visits. This time of year isn’t the best for buying clothes as I for one don’t really want to buy Winter clothes and Summer still seems a long way off. Also, this has nothing to do with the seasons, but I would like to try and loose a it of weight! ( I think I have said this before!) Summer may seem a long time away but not long enough for me to purchase some sunglasses. (People do wear them in winter don’t they, that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it!) These were £2 which is such a bargain and it’s a staple item in any Primark shop. From now on every time I take a trip to Primark a pair of different Sunglasses with go into my basket till it’s Autumn. I will probably end up with about a zillion pairs of them.(all will be worn throughout the Summer months I hasten to add) I love the shape of these. They are a beautiful shade of green which I don’t think you can tell by the picture.
The Jewellery at the moment features a lot of tortoise shell and yes I did buy a lot. These basic circle earrings were £1.50 and even though they are basic, they are still a statement piece. Going with the round theme I also picked up these cute round leopard print earrings. Not only are these Leopard Print! They are also furry and they feel really nice! ( that sounds abit weird that I want furry earrings but hey that’s me! )
I also bought the same hoops twice ( these were bought on two different trips) they were reduced to £1 each and I just got carried away with the price as they were such good value.
Also I bought some black hair bobbles. These are £1 and they are super thick and comfortable. They also don’t snap which is a bonus.
 So I also picked up an umbrella! No I didn’t need one as I had one for Christmas but it’s good to have a spare. It’s a great size for a small handbag and it’s leopard print! It’s only £4 which is such a good price for a mini umbrella anyway.
Primark do the best jackets! It’s the sort of place where you know you can get a cheap jacket for half the price of other shops that will sell a similar item.
 When I found these Demin jackets for £13 each I couldn’t decide which colour to go for. Do I go for black or blue?? If you have checked out my “Shop my style” post you will know my love of a Demin jacket and yes I didn’t need another one but I went for both! Yes it was naughty but I know I will
wear them for ages. They are such a good price for a simple Demin jacket and not a rip to be seen. (Unlike my other jackets!)
On the subject of clothes I picked up two slogan t shirts. Both are white with black writing on them. I was thinking with black culottes and vans in the summer with one of the Demin jackets. The Dream one was £2.50 and the Obsessed one was £4. So such a good price.

While I’m talking about a bargain I picked up this long sleeved strippy top for £3!!!! Yes you read it right!! It was in the sale and I do love myself a strippy top. Imagine that with the Demin jackets!!! ( yes I’m really digging those jackets!!)

Who doesn’t need a new pair of black trainers in their wardrobe? When I saw these black Vans inspired trainers for £8 I had to pick them up. They are super comfy and I bought them mainly to wear at work.
Primark still have lots of Jumpers in the sale and the one I picked up was £5. Reduced from £5. It’s super cosy and of course is leopard print again. They did still have lots available in my local store yesterday as I’m writing this. So if you are on the lookout for a cosy cheap jumper head on to Primark.
 Lastly I want to talk about the bag. This one was £10!! Which I think is pricey for Primark but it is very designer inspired and would look good on a night out. I really wish the strap wasn’t part chain and black strap. I would have preferred either a full chain or full black strap but you can’t have everything.
I might do a new updated “what’s in my bag” post soon but really nothing ever changes inside just the bag on the outside.
If you have been in Primarks lately I would love to hear what you have been buying. Have you stumbled across any bargains or do you think the prices are slowly creeping up.
Like normal, either leave me a comment or send me a message over on Instagram @juelook
I’m always out to follow new people so would love to hear from you and share content.
Until next time
Jue X

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